We just wanted to share a little story about how the Church is ALIVE project is a lot more than just video.
Just this past weekend, Kevin Cartee - Director of Outdoor Ministries for Foothills and Trinity Presbytery - and about 100 folks from 11 churches gathered for their annual middle school retreat of Trinity and Foothills presbyteries in South Carolina.
This has always been a good time, but this year there was a twist: After listening to a conference call with one of the Church is Alive staff, the retreat-goers were split into groups and charged with not only discerning how THEY thought the church is alive but also challenged to design a church of the future.
We hear they had some pretty cool ideas (including a design for a gazebo church with moving sidewalks), and that there was a lot of great discussion about how the church is alive. Some of their thoughts:
"Worship is for EVERYONE."
"Young people DO understand that it's important to communicate - be they elders or anyone else - and have everyone be a part of the Body of Christ."
"We got talking about a whole lot of things and truthfully just ran out of time!!"
Retreats like this are just one more example of how the church is alive today. If you hear or know of any other retreats like this - or if you would like to host one of your own - don't hesitate to let us know by sending and email to video@thechurchisalive.com!

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