The Church is Alive

Monday, January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr.

Today, we celebrate an American hero, pastor, and prophet. MLK stood up in the face of oppression with a fierce conviction that all children of God are equal and loved.

Facebook statuses have been booming with quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.'s ministry. It's exciting to see how so many people continue to be touched by the powerful and prophetic words spoken and written by Dr. King, however, it's unfortunate that such words NEED to be said and heard even now, 30 years later.

What words/quotes/ideas of Dr. King have touched you? What messages still need to be heard in our day and time?

PLEASE SHARE! Post your quotes/thoughts in the comments!


  1. I wrote a blog this morning on leadership lessons I've learned from Dr. King

    Paul Moore
    Organizing Pastor
    Chain of Lakes Presbyterian Church

  2. Paul- I just read your post, and I appreciated your words. I learned last week that King was 26 when he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott. I knew King was young, but I had no imagine he was 26! I believe that King still has much to teach us, and I pray that at whatever age we are (I'm 26) we follow where the Spirit leads us. I believe that to be places to sew love, justice and mercy. This may look differently in each instance but we are called to have a voice and to take a stand. Again, thanks for posting your blog entry. It was great and well really spoke to me this morning. Peace

  3. It might also interest you Matthew, to know that John Calvin was 27 when he wrote the Institutes. Youth & Young Adults have ALWAYS played a critical role in the reformation and the reconciliation of the world, and the church.

    For me - I am drawn to the words of MLK in his '67 "Beyond Vietnam" speech...

    "We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society."

    It floors me that 42 years later, this statement is still true, still prophetic.

    Dan W. Boles
    Director / Campus Pastor
    CELTIC CROSS PCM at Kennesaw State
