Over the next three days, The Church Is Alive Team will bring you photos, videos, and story excerpts from the issue. Specifically, we will focus on three stories from the magazine: The Burden of Thirst, Sacred Waters, and Water Thirsty World. It is our hope, that the images you will see will not just be pictures on a screen, but rather the stories of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
I will say it again, I continue to be inspired by the words that people pour out on this site. I have been moved by the photographs and videos. I have been awed by generosity of the donations that have flowed in to help provide water for a community of 400 for 20 years. I am thankful. Friends the statistics are mind blowing, the images heart hurting, the reality for so many in the world is grim, but there is great hope in Christ. Let us be a a community that responds in prayer, action, and our lives- always helping those in need.
Today's images and captions come from The Burden of Thirst, an article by Tina Rosenberg. Photograph's by Lynn Johnson. You can find all articles, images, and video here.
The Burden of Thirst
If the millions of women who haul water long distances had a faucet by their door, whole societies could be transformed. -Tina Rosenberg

Read The Burden of Thirst in its entirety here.
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