The Church is Alive

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Your Responses, Round 2

We have a BUNCH more responses from people about what they want church to be! We figured we'd share a few of them below:

I want it to be something that helps develop our relationship with God and Christ. Although I don’t think that something has to be a place or an organization, nor does it necessarily have to have walls or even a name. I want the church to be that entity that connects us to each other so we can worship and minister and grow in our relationship with God and Christ together. I want the church to be about love, with no place for judgment or hatred. I want the church to be that thing that teaches us that the best way to teach others about God and Christ is through our actions. I think the church can be in a building with an organization that has a name, but it can also be everywhere…just like God.

- Sue

A community that welcomes people for who they are and loves them like the children of God they are, but might not know yet.

- Anonymous

A place for open spirituality and serious engagement with people, God, text, spirit, and self.

- Anonymous

If it were my church, I'd have an answer. Actually, I don't give a rip about what I want the Church to be. I'm wrestling with the question: What does Christ want the Church to be? Striving to answer this question is much more important in my opinion.

- Jim Truesdell

Keep 'em coming, folks! What do YOU want church to be?

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